To access the Seelow page

Log onto your Agrimesh console, from the hamburger menu to the far left of the green ribbon, select the « Seelows » option. A selection of your Seelows will be displayed. Click on the one you wish to see the details for. Let’s see what kind of information there is on this page.




The Seelow details

In the upper section is the present information about the Seelow. Starting from the left, the image gives a visual approximation of the amount of feed in the bin. Moving to the right, above the Seelow name, the blue cog lets you configure or modify your Seelow. Underneath the name (in the red rectangle), we have some technical information.


The refresh button will trigger the door on the Seelow to open and refresh the measurements.

The information in the green rectangles is more straightforward. From left to right, we have

Below are charts for consumption per day, the consumption in the last 24 hours, then the weekly and monthly consumption. Last is the detailed information for the last month. CSV files are available for all your charts.

See also: